Foreign Trade Zone

The City of Eagle Pass is the authorized grantee for Foreign Trade Zone No. 96 (FTZ 96) and operates under the Alternative Site Framework. Through the FTZ, a company can:

  • Reduce or eliminate tariffs on foreign goods coming into the U.S.
  • Defer duties on merchandise until it is ready to enter the U.S. market.
  • Exempt duties on re-exports.
  • Expedite transfers of goods among other FTZs.
  • Eliminate duties on scrap or waste.
  • Submit a weekly entry to reduce paperwork.
  • Avoid duty drawback.

FTZ vs. Bonded Warehouse

While a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) can offer significant benefits and substantial savings to a company, we understand that the program may not be right for everyone. Many times, dependent on the operations that need to occur, a U.S. bonded warehouse may fulfill the needs of a company. At the same time, in other cases, an FTZ may bring considerable savings. To have a better understanding of which program is best to use, below are some of the significant differences between an FTZ and a bonded warehouse.

TypeForeign Trade Zone (FTZ)Bonded Warehouse
Customs EntryNo entry requiredEntry required to admit goods into warehouse
Permissible CargoForeign and Domestic GoodsForeign goods only
DutiesOnly upon entry into the U.S. marketOwed prior to release of goods from the bonded warehouse
Inventory TaxForeign goods not taxedAll goods are taxed
Storage PeriodUnlimitedMay not exceed five years
Control of GoodsFTZ controls goodsCBP controls goods
Domestic GoodsMay be admittedMay not be admitted
Permissible ActivityClean, repack, sort, destroy, grade, label, assemble, manufacture, exhibit, and co-mingle with other freight (foreign and domestic)Clean, repack, and sort under CBP supervision
ManufacturingPermittedNot permitted
WasteDuty is only paid on items leaving the FTZ into U.S. market for consumptionDuty is due on all waste and/or damaged goods

Click below to see the latest trade numbers from the Port of Eagle Pass, Texas

Click Here to view our FTZ information flyer. 


Interested in learning more about FTZ 96? Contact Assistant Economic Development Director Addy Mendoza at 830-773-1111 or 8309680518 or via email at: